The differences between “video production” and “television production” have become increasingly blurred. Most video production is concerned with non broadcast program making. Video productions are generally distributed via DVDs or online. Although video productions are generally made with a lower budget, it does not mean that few people see them. A simple tour of YouTube will show that millions of people are looking at video productions every day
Television productions, on the other hand, are usually shown to a large public audience by broadcast or cable transmission, either “live” (during the performance) or “recorded” (carefully edited video recordings). Television transmissions
are required to conform to closely controlled technical standards. However, television productions may be considered to be a type of video production once they are distributed in a non broadcast method (DVD, Internet, etc.). With the high quality of today’s consumer and prosumer equipment, video productions can be made with equipment ranging from that meeting the most sophisticated professional broadcast standards to low-cost consumer items There is no intrinsic reason though, why the screened end products should differ in quality, style, or effectiveness as far as the audience is concerned. Video programs range from ambitious presentations intended for mass distribution to economically budgeted programs designed for a specifi c audience. This book will help you, whatever the scale of your production.